Bhadrapad Adhikmas Purnima - Bhadrapad Adhikmas
Adhikmas is in Bhadrapad month. This month’s Purnima is considered to be very important. This month’s Purnima is celebrated by taking a bath early in the morning and worshipping Lord Narayana with flowers, rice and red sandalwood. After this, a delicacy known as Pue which are made of pure ghee, wheat and jaggery. Flowers, clothes, sweets and some money should also be donated. You can donate these things as per your limitations. You should chant the following mantra while making a donation :
"Om Vishnu Roop Sahastranshu Pranashan | Apupanna Pradanen Mam Papam Vyapohatu ||"
After chanting this mantra, you should worship Lord Vishnu with the following mantra :
"Yasya Haste Gadachakre Garudoyasya Vahanam | Shankh Kartale Yasya Sa Me Vishnu Praseedatu ||"
Bhadrapad Adhikmas Purnima worship
Lord Satya Narayana is worshipped on this day. Banana leaves, Panchamrit, Supari, Pan leaves, Sesame seeds, Red thread, Sindoor, Durva etc. should be used in this worship. In order to worship Lord Satya Narayana, Panchamrit is made of milk, honey, bananas, ganges water, tusli leaves and sweets. Sugar is mixed with wheat and this mixture is roasted and offered to Lord Vishnu.
Once Satya Narayana fast story is read, he is worshipped. Then, Goddess Laxmi, Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma are also worshipped. Prasad is distributed among everyone. A person should take a bath early in the morning at the bank of a river, well, pond etc. He should then worship Lord Vishnu. Food and money should also be offered to a Brahmana. A person taking a bath and worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day is blessed by the Lord.
This year, Adhikmas is falling in Bhadrapad month which makes this Purnima even more important. Worshipping Lord Vishnu during this period provides a person with success, wealth, fame, respect etc. According to shastras, a person receives auspicious results by worshipping Lord Vishnu in Kritika Nakshatra on Saptami of Krishna Paksha during this month.
Importance of Bhadrapad Adhikmas Purnima
People keeping a fast on the day of Purnima should sleep on the floor in Malmas. They should eat only vegetarian food during this period. A person should fast in this month and worship Lord Vishnu. He should also chant mantras. A person should also read Lord Purushottam’s story. Sri Ramayan should also be read and worshipped. Sri Vishnu stotra should also be read.
A person should fast on the day of Adhikmas Purnima. He should worship Lord Vishnu with total dedication and devotion. A person is blessed if he involves himself in any sort of donations, charities etc. A person keeping a fast on this day and worshipping Lord Vishnu goes straight to heaven.
This month a bath, donations and worship is considered to be very important. Once this month is over, you should feed Brahmanas and make donations. You should also read Malmas story with total devotion. You should also donate clothes, food, jaggery and ghee. On the day of Purnima, Moon is in Bhadrapad Nakshatra.
Tags : Hindu Beliefs
Category : Hindu Beliefs