Mercury According to the KP Astrology

Dec 21,2022 | By Admin

Mercury According to the KP Astrology

Mercury has accorded the place of prince among all the planets in the KP Kundali. This planet is well-known for its playful and stubborn nature. The person who is influence by Mercury is childish, mischievous and playful.

Mercury is the lord of Gemini and Virgo signs. Intelligence and smartness are the natural qualities of Mercury.

The General Qualities of Mercury According to the KP Astrology

People born in the sign of Mercury are very excited and enthusiastic. Mercury has the capability to make quick analysis and assessment. Those who have the influence of Mercury in their KP Kundalis are jolly, fun-loving and sporty in nature.

Mercury influence the speech of the person. It is misanalysed for the cognitive powers, voice and sound and listening capacity of the person.

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Mercury and its Impact on the Different Organs of Body According to the KP Astrology

Mercury is the karak planet of ears, sensation and skin in the body. Mercury is also the Karak planet of neck and throat.

Qualities of Mercury According to the KP Astrology

Mercury influence the voice and speech of the person. People born in the sign of Mercury are talkative but practical in nature. As Mercury is the lord of the dual-natured signs it causes instability in the behavior of the native.

If Mercury is well-placed in the birthchart, the person is capable to perform multiple tasks. He also take interest in studies. When Mars and Mercury forms a relationship in the KP Kundali then the person who is born in the sign of Mercury may like writing or emerge as a good writer.

Impact of Malefic Mercury on Health According to the KP Astrology

If there is any malefic influence on Mercury and the third house the person may have speech related problem. If Mercury is afflicted in the chart the person may be deaf or may not able to speak properly or many have weak cognitive capacity.

Due to the inauspicious effects of Mercury the person may get affected to the ears related problems or skin infections. When Mercury is influenced by the inauspicious effects of Saturn, Mars and Rahu-Ketu the person may get affected by the diseases mentioned above.

Professions of Mercury According to the KP Astrology

If Mercury forms a relationship with the tenth house the person may earn his livelihood in the profession of broker or contractor, teacher, professor, lawyer, counselor, reporter, interpreter. The auspicious position and influence of Mercury makes the person good writer or accountant.

Other professions related to Mercury are of editing, printing and publishing. People who are working in postal department, telephone exchange, programming and astrology have a strong influence of Mercury in their KP Kundali.

Business Fields of Mercury According to the KP Astrology

Mercury is known as pen and Mars ink. Therefore the combination of these two planets in the KP Kundali makes the person writer. The position of Mercury gives the person success in the field of stationery, pen, pencil, printing machine and newspaper companies.

As the Mercury is the karak planet of speech it has its influence on the sources of communication such as telephone, radio, television and wireless set. Mercury also influence the cognitive capacity of the person therefore the person who earn his livelihood through the business of hearing aids, computers, toys, calculators etc is determined by Mercury.

Places of Mercury According to the KP Astrology According to the KP Astrology

The educational institutes are included among the places of Mercury. Therefore Mercury is the lord of all school, colleges and other educational institutes. Besides these, conference hall, telephone exchange, broadcasting centres etc all are the areas under the influence of Mercury.

Mercury is analysed for short-distance journeys. Therefore people who runs the travel and tourism industries are influenced by Mercury. The postal department and media centres are also under the influence of Mercury. Stationary shops, libraries, telephone and letter box also belongs to Mercury. Green vegetables, trees and plants of average height and trees which are used to make musical instruments come under the influence of Mercury.

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