Relationship between kalamsha and Vimshottari dasha
In modern astrology, Krishnamurti gave birth to a new method of Astrology (KP Astrology). This method follows the major principles of Vedic astrology. But still, it is different from Vedic astrology in some respect.
Vimshottari Dasha is
part of Vedic astrology. Generally, Vedic astrology depends upon
Moon-sign and its Nakshatra at the time of birth. The Vimshottari Dasha
is calculated on the basis of how much the Moon has traveled in a
particular Nakshatra. The total period of Vimshottari Dasha thus
calculated is of 120 years as per Vedic astrology.
Sub Lord theory in the KP system. (replace KPS) Kp is krishnamurti paddhati
The KP system is
based on similar calculations of Vimshottari dasha and from there by it
works at the Sub level and Sub-Sub level of dasha system to reach the
timing of a particular event. In the KP Astrology system, the division
of Nakshatras is based on the principles of Vimshottari dasha. According
to this, there is a close relationship between Kalamsha of Krishnamurti
paddhati system and Vimshottari Dasha in Vedic astrology.
Under KP astrology
houses are not equally divided in12 parts rather they are based on
cusps. In this system, houses are measured from cusp to cusp. Cusp is
considered as the connection between two houses.
In the system of sir KP,
the period of Nakshatra i.e. 13 degrees and 20 minutes is precisely
divided into 9 parts. The Lords of these parts are different planets. The time of planets
is determined on the basis of the time-period of Vimshottari Dasha in a
specific planet. This determinate time-period will be the period of
Kalamsha and its lord is Sub Lord regarded as the Lord of Kalamsha. (how did we reach kalamsha suddenly)when we divide dasha lord into nine parts, we reach kalamsha.
In the period of
Vimshottari average span of human life is 120 years. During this period a
person has to undergo various periods of different planets.
Every planet has its
determinate period and a person gets results according to the influence
of the planet in that period. This kind of principle is followed by the
KP system, In this, a mathematical method is used to obtain results
which can be understood as follows:
Total years of the
period of planets x (800/120) = the Sub-part of planets or Kalamsha.
This theory is an
eye-opener and opened up pandora of other possibilities. This later
proved to be not the final authority for predictions but paved the way
for further division of the Dasha system into Sub-Sub period.
We know that dividing
the period of constellation into 1/9 parts is unequal in the Sub-period
system. Here we are calculating in minutes. This was a revolution when
it was found that two or three planets in the same constellations
offered different results. This prompted to divide it into Subdivisions
called Sub-lords.
In this way, the period
of different planets is determined on the basis of the Vimshottari
period in Krishnamurthy system. There are many similarities between the
two. Like the ancient Vedic astrology system, accurate results can be
determined from this new method if the planetary system of Kalamsha
We can understand this
system of KP astrology through an example. Suppose Jupiter is placed in
Lagna in Cancer sign. Now the star Lord of the house is the moon, also
there are three other star Lords like Jupiter if placed in Punarvasu
Nakshatra, Saturn if Jupiter placed in Pushya Nakshatra and Mercury if
Jupiter placed in Aslesha Nakshatra.
A planet deposited in a
sign then that shows the strength of that particular planet. The Nature
of that sign is congenial to that planet or not will determine the
strength of that planet. Now in that sign, the planet is posited in a
star, the planet will have to obey the orders of the star. Star-lord
will modify the planets according to his nature, quality,
significations, and ownership. Most important modification is done by
Sub-Lord. As earlier said, the planet is set to show results by sign and
star Lords, those significations or results will prosper or not will be
decided by Sub-Lord.
Sub-Sub theory in the KP Astrology
A person running a
Dasha of Saturn (if the Moon is placed in Pushya Nakshatra) and Bhukti
of Mercury, then Saturn is the star (Moon) Lord and Bhukti Lord becomes
Sub Lord.
The Sub-Sub theory
is a step ahead of the Sub theory as envisaged by Sri KP . Suppose
Saturn is placed in Pushya at 2°06’40”, if we calculate through to
seconds, we shall arrive at Sub-Sub period.
The Formula thus works will be
This will give us Sat Sub Sub period and we can go on calculating from Mercury to Jupiter Sub Sub periods. This will not only give us accuracy in prediction but also very near to the time of fructification of the results. For the Sub Sub theory to work correct time of birth is very important.
While applying Sub
Sub theory, there is no need to judge the strength of a planet in terms
of strength or weakness. Everything is purely associated with the houses
under consideration. If there are four or five planets signifying a
house, then one must only consider the ruling planet.
There are certain
other points which need to be taken care of while applying this Sub Sub
- Planets predominantly offer results of its star Lord.
- Planets in the star of owners become strong, provided no planets is occupying the house.
- Sub Sub-Lord is used for predicting a particular event.
- Ownership of the Sub Sub Lord’s star Lord becomes strong if no planet is occupying the house. If there is a planet it becomes weak.
- Sub Sub Lord is considered only if Sub Lord is not showing any results.
- For Sub Sub Lord correct time of birth is very necessary.
From the above, we find that the KP system has given some additional methods to predict more accurately using the principles of Vedic astrology and Vimshottari Dasha. Today all astrologers are using KP system to time the events. It is definitely an additional help and the research work done by Sri KP Krishnamurthy is of immense value.
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