What is Parivartana Yoga?
Parivartan Yoga is
formed by mutual exchange of houses owned by planets.This exchange makes
both houses very powerful and exerts their influence on these
houses.These exchange Yogas are seen in the birth chart only.
Presence of
auspicious Yogas in the birth chart makes it powerful. Besides Raj Yoga
and Dhan Yoga, there are other auspicious yogas that help make the birth
chart strong. When auspicious houses form a relationship with the other
auspicious houses through auspicious Yogas, it gives auspicious and
favourable results. Apart from Trine and Kendra, there are Trik and
Upchay houses in which Parivartana Yoga is formed.
The auspicious Yoga
which is created in the birth chart due to the change in position or
sign is Mahabhagya Yoga. These Yogas are created due to the change of
position of the Lords of Kendra and Trine house. Due to the relationship
of Kendra and Trine in this Yoga, the person gets auspicious results
during the Mahadasha-Antardasha of the Lord of these houses.
We can clearly
understand it through an example: Parivartan or exchange of houses takes
place when let us say for instance Virgo Ascendant first house Lord,
Mercury is placed in the fourth house in Sagittarius and fourth house
Lord, Jupiter is placed in the first house.It will be Parivartan or
exchange Yoga between two Kendra houses. It will give auspicious
Following Yogas are
created with a change in position of Lords (Sthan Parivartan):
- Analyzing the Parivartan Yoga through the transit of planets.
- Rashi Parivartan Yoga inauspicious or inauspicious planets.
- Rashi Parivartan Yoga in both the auspicious Yogas.
- Parivartan Yoga in exalted or debilitated planets.
- Parivartan Yoga in friendly or enemy sign.
- Parivartan Yoga in the Karak planets of Raj Yoga.
- Parivartan Yoga in debilitated and retrograde planets.
There are three kinds of Parivartana Yogas:
- Mahabhagya Yoga or Maha Yoga: There are twenty-eight Maha Yogas. These are auspicious Yogas and give very good results to the native.
One who is born in
Maha Yoga is wealthy and blessed by Goddess Lakshmi. He has kingly
disposition and wears good clothes and invests in expensive accessories.
He has an honorable
status among authorities. He occupies a high position of
responsibilities. He enjoys happiness from sons and is prosperous. He is
blessed with a lot of material comforts.
Maha-yoga is formed with a mutual exchange between the following houses:
- First and Second, First and Fourth, First and Fifth, First and Seventh, First and Ninth, First and Tenth, First and Eleventh.
- Second and Fourth, Second and Fifth, Second and Seventh, Second and Ninth, Second and Tenth, Second and Eleventh.
- Fourth and Fifth, Fourth and Seventh, Fourth and Ninth, Fourth and Tenth, Fourth and Eleventh.
- Fifth and Seventh, Fifth and Ninth, Sixth and Tenth, Fifth and Eleventh.
- Seventh and Ninth, Seventh and Tenth, Seventh and Eleventh, Ninth and Tenth, Ninth and Eleventh, Tenth and Eleventh.
- Exchange of Ninth and Tenth is also forming Raj Yoga.
All the above-mentioned Yogas are auspicious and give very good results during their Dasha.
- Kahala Yoga:Lord
of Ascendant is placed in a sign whose depositor is in its own house or
in exaltation sign and that too in a quadrant or trine then Kahal Yoga
is formed.
In short depositor of the sign where Lord of the sign occupied by rising sign is placed, if it is in its own sign or sign of exaltation and side by side which is also an angle or a trine, then the Kahal Yoga is formed.
One who is born in Kahal Yoga is endowed with purity and intelligence of higher order, happiness. He/she will do good to others. He/she will be respected and honored by the masses.
The inauspicious
houses make other Parivartan Yogas too. Exchanges between the Trik
house, sixth, eighth and twelfth houses form them. So do exchanges
between these and trinal or quadrant houses.
There are about
thirty-eighth types of Parivartan Yogas which are formed between these
houses. Thirty Yogas amongst these are called Daiya Yogas and the
remaining eight yogas called Khala Yogas. Let us understand both these
types in detail.
Dainya Yoga:
There are thirty Yogas which are termed Dainya Yoga. As the name
suggests, these are inauspicious and give bad results. One who is born
in Dainya Yoga is a fool and is engaged in disapproving and backbiting
He/she indulges in bad
deeds and suffers through enemies. They are fickle minded and use
sarcastic and filthy language. He/she will meet with obstacles and
hurdles in whatever work is taken up.
The formation of these thirty Dainya Yogas are formed between the houses as given below.
- Sixth and First, Sixth and Second, Sixth and Third, Sixth and Fourth, Sixth and Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, Sixth and Eighth, Sixth and Ninth, Sixth and Tenth, Sixth and Eleventh
- Eighth and First, Eighth and Second, Eighth and Third, Eighth and Fourth, Eighth and Fifth, Eighth and Sixth, Eighth and Seventh, Eighth and Ninth, Eighth and Tenth, Eighth and Eleventh.
- Twelfth and First, Twelfth and Second, Twelfth and Third, Twelfth and Fourth, Twelfth and Fifth, Twelfth and Sixth, Twelfth and Seventh, Twelfth and Ninth, Twelfth and Tenth, Twelfth and Eleventh.
Khala Yoga:
There are eight Khala Yogas. Those born in Khala Yoga are fickle
minded. At times he follows a good path and on other times he is on the
other side of the fence.
Sometimes he is endowed
with good fortune and sometimes loses all and as such poor and unhappy.
His temperament, fortunes, happiness fluctuates between good and bad.
Khala Yogas are formed between the following when they mutually exchange positions.
- Third and First, Third and Second, Third and Fourth, Third and Fifth, Third and Seventh, Third and Ninth, Third and Tenth, and Third and Eleventh.
There are some other
Yogas which are formed when the Lord of the Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth
houses are placed in one of these houses.
For example Sixth Lord
in Eighth and Eighth Lord in Twelfth. The following are three
combinations which form the following Yogas.
- Sixth in Eighth or Twelfth forms Harsha Yoga
- Sixth in Eighth or Twelfth forms Harsha Yoga
- Sixth in Eighth or Twelfth forms Harsha Yoga
Exchange of these houses as per Phaldeepika will give inauspicious results. But these Yogas are not exactly Parivartan Yogas as all Parivartan Yogas have already covered.
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